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South Carolina: Nearly Two Dozen DUI's By Illegal Aliens In 24 Hours

On October 20, 2024, a total of 21 illegal aliens were arrested for drunk driving in less than 24 hours, across several counties in South Carolina.

The list of those arrests follows:

-Alejandro Castro Gonzalez Age: 43 Time of Arrest:11:42 p.m. Location: Spartanburg County Charge(s): Open Container of Alcohol in Vehicle, Reckless Driving and Driving Without a License

-Jonathan Ramirez Age: 32 Time of Arrest: 9:34 p.m. Location: Charleston County Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Marain Giovanna Vazquez-Ramirez Age: 28 Time of Arrest: 2:17 p.m. Location: Horry County Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Jose De-Jesus Age: 56 Time of Arrest:12:33 p.m. Location: Aiken County Charge(s): Open Container of Alcohol in Vehicle

-Jesus Lopez-Cueva Age: 25 Time of Arrest:12:00 p.m. Location: Greenville County Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Lidio Maya-Arias

Age: 30

Time of Arrest: 9:32 a.m.

Location: Aiken County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Alexandro Olvera-Resendiz

Age: 44

Time of Arrest: 8:44 a.m.

Location: Aiken County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence and Driving Without a License

-Elfido Joel Lopez-Perez

Age: 24

Time of Arrest: 7:10 a.m.

Location: Darlington County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Marlon Aleman-Sanchez

Age: 22

Time of Arrest: 5:00 a.m.

Location: Aiken County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Dominguez Valdiva Hugo

Age: 22

Time of Arrest: 4:31 a.m.

Location: Greenwood County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence, Driving Without a License and Speeding

-Francisco Javier Rodriguez-Ayala

Age: 31

Time of Arrest: 4:10 a.m.

Location: Horry County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Wilder Gamaliel Verdugo-Roblero

Age: 31

Time of Arrest: 3:34 a.m.

Location: Charleston County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Salvador Lozano Perez

Age: 37

Time of Arrest: 2:59 a.m.

Location: Darlington County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence and Reckless Driving

-Benjamin Julio Flores-Martinez

Age: 21

Time of Arrest:2:13 a.m.

Location: Horry County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence and Driving Without a License

-Romain Gomez-Lopez

Age: 37

Time of Arrest:1:36 a.m.

Location: Spartanburg County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence

-Wilson Jonam Velasquez-Monzon

Age: 42

Time of Arrest:1:07 a.m.

Location: Charleston County

Charge(s): Open Container of Alcohol in Vehicle

-Guadalupe De-La-Cruz-Ramos

Age: 41

Time of Arrest:12:00 a.m.

Location: Greenville County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence, Driving Without a License and Open Container of Alcohol in Vehicle

-Julisa Janeth Martinez-Ortiz

Age: 21

Time of Arrest:12:00 a.m.

Location: Greenville County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence and Driving Without a License

-Yahir Alejandro Valadez-Rodriguez

Age: 22

Time of Arrest:12:00 a.m.

Location: Greenville County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence, Driving Without a License, Open Container of Alcohol in Vehicle and Reckless Driving

-Julio Alberto Pena-Rodriguez

Age: 30

Time of Arrest:12:00 a.m.

Location: Greenville County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence and Driving on Wrong Side of Road

-Esteban Velazquez

Age: 21

Time of Arrest:12:00 a.m.

Location: Lexington County

Charge(s): Driving Under the Influence and Driving Without a License

Not surprisingly, despite their immigration status in this country, most of the aforementioned suspects were released within 24 hours of their arrests.

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