CHESAPEAKE, VA - On August 19, around 2:30 a.m., Yacarely Diaz-Castro, 30, was arrested after crashing her vehicle into Officer Daniel Torres-Alegro who was conducting a traffic stop along South Military Highway.
The GoFundMe set up to help with the officer's expenses while he recovers, states: the crash "sent him flying over the car and into a ditch. Daniel was left with critical injuries to his skull, neck, back and lower body."
The impact left Officer Torres-Alegro with a fractured skull, lacerations to his face and a broken back. He was transported to a local hospital from which he was recently released.
He continues to recover but faces multiple surgeries and rehab.
Diaz-Castro was charged with DUI (aggravated maiming and driving without a license. She is currently being held at the Chesapeake City Jail on an ICE detainer.
Under questioning, Diaz-Castro admitted that she came into the country illegally, seven months earlier. At that time, the Nicaraguan national was given a “notice to report” by Border Patrol agents and released.
Like most, the illegal alien never reported and had no immigration hearing pending at the time of her arrest.
This crime, and the permanent injuries sustained by Officer Daniel Torres-Alegro can be squarely laid at the feet of the Biden administration, and in particular, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
It should be noted that along with nearly no media coverage, and even the Chesapeake Police Department has failed to issue a press release on this officer's near-death encounter with the illegal.
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Another Biden piece of shit illegal alien. Go back to your own hell hole country & injure your own police. We don’t want you or any other of your kind.
I’m really hating these states that let criminals walk away. Put this POS in jail. She could have killed one of our brave officers!