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NC 'Sanctuary Sheriff' Who Protects Criminal Aliens Overwhelmingly Defeated In Run-Off Election

RALEIGH, NC - On Tuesday, Wake County Sheriff Gerald M. Baker was defeated in a Democratic run-off election by retired sheriff’s deputy, Willie Rowe, and it wasn’t exactly a nail-biter…

In fact, Rowe beat the one-term ‘sanctuary sheriff’ with a whopping 75 percent of the vote. Since taking office on December 3, 2018, Sheriff Baker has refused to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and has released many dangerous criminals back into his county, despite ICE detainers being issued against them.

Rowe’s stance on enforcing ICE holds against inmates detained in the Wake County Jail is unknown at this time. There is no information about the topic on his campaign website, and this reporter has yet to hear back from Rowe as to his potential policy with ICE.

In November, Rowe will face former four-term Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison, who implemented the 287(g) program within his department, and cooperated with ICE, turning over criminal aliens for deportation.

Unfortunately, the state of North Carolina currently has at least seven so-called ‘sanctuary sheriffs’ who make it a policy to release dangerous felons in the country illegally, and their actions are having a devastating effect on the citizens of the Tarheel State.

Sheriff Baker’s defeat is an encouraging event in the movement in demanding that our elected officials enforce the law and protect our children.

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