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Police: Illegal Alien Crashed Into Another Car At 116 MPH, Media Lies About Immigration Status

SMITHFIELD, NC - On November 7, the North Carolina Highway Patrol arrested Luis Eduardo Velasquez, 26, after he reportedly slammed his car into the rear end of another vehicle along I-40.

Velasquez was fleeing from the troopers who attempted to pull him over after being observed driving "all over the road,” according to a police report.

The illegal alien hit the other vehicle near Exit 319 at 116 mph.

Two passengers traveling with Velsaquez, along with two people in the other vehicle were all injured and taken to WakeMed for treatment.

Only Velasquez was not injured in the high-speed crash.

His BAC (Blood-Alcohol Level) tested at 0.14, nearly twice the legal limit.

Velasquez was charged with DWI, felony flee to elude, 120 mph in a 70 mph zone, reckless driving. failure to heed light or siren, driving with an open container, resisting, obstructing and delaying a law enforcement officer, failure to maintain lane control, no operator’s license and injury to property.

Incredibly, despite the serious nature of the charges and his status in this country, he was given a bond of only $42,500 bail, and has since been released.

While WRAL, The Daily Record, The Johnston County Report and CBS 17 either describe Velasquez as being “of Fayetteville,” or as “a Fayetteville man.”

Fayetteville is located in Cumberland County, whose sheriff, Ennis Wright was elected on November 6, 2018 soon implemented a ‘sanctuary policy,’ refusing to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Rather than honoring ICE detainers, Cumberland County deputies are now forced to simply release illegal aliens back onto the streets, when they make bond.

Why can’t they just tell the truth?

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