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MS-13 Gang Member Sentenced For "Butcher" Murder Of Va. Teen

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

BEDFORD, VA - On January 31, Josue Moises Coreas-Ventura, the leader of an MS-13 cell and the last of five defendants to be sentenced for the March 2017 kidnapping and sadistic slashing murder of 17-year-old Raymond Wood received two life terms in prison from Judge James Updike Jr.

This follows Coreas-Ventura’s conviction of aggravated murder, abduction for financial benefit and gang participation.

Those gang members already convicted and sentenced in the brutal murder are Kevin Josue Soto Bonilla–life sentence; Lisandro Antonio Posada-Vasquez–75 years; Cristian Jose Sanchez-Gomez–60 years; and Victor Arnoldo Rodas–55 years behind bars.

Wood was lured from his Lynchburg home, taken to a remote area and stabbed and hacked to death.

At the sentencing hearing, Bedford Commonwealth’s Attorney Wes Nance stated:

We’re dealing with the leader of the death squad. There’s no question he was the leader of the pack…These individuals took turns butchering him on the side of the road.

Unfortunately, MS-13 has been allowed to establish a strong network throughout Northern Virginia and Maryland. They sell drugs for the Mexican drug cartels, commit kidnappings and are known for their penchant for extreme violence and often hacking their victims to death.

Coreas-Ventura is currently being housed at the Amherst County Adult Detention Center.

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Jan 04


Mar 13, 2023

Thanks to Biden’s Clown Show policies 🤡🤡🤡, we will see a lot more of these cartels that have set up shop across the US.


Mar 13, 2023

look at that disgusting pig. Now our tax dollars have to pay for his incarceration. I hope he is murdered in jail the same way he killed that boy.


Mar 08, 2023

Look at that face! What a horror! And he was allowed in our country and sold drugs, kidnapped and murdered someone. Secure those borders! Stop letting these criminals in. And the illegals who are unappreciative of what they’re been given here. Round them up and kick them out! Lock the doors so they can’t come back! They‘ll just go back to their criminal actions, I’m sick just by his face 🤮😦😱👿

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