SAN JOSE, CA - On Saturday, a woman was walking into her apartment building in the 300 block of South First Street, when she was grabbed and sexually assaulted. Apparently, her attacker had been following her, and walked into the building behind her, according to police.
The attack was captured by surveillance cameras.
Two days later, San Jose police arrested Cristobal Fuentes-Melara, 20.
Fuentes-Melara has been charged with rape, sexual assault and aggravated kidnapping. He is currently being held at the Santa Clara County Jail on $500,000 bond.
A San Jose Police Department press release stated:
Although the victim is Asian, currently we do not believe this assault was racially motivated.
*Of course, it has been widely reported of late that a rash of racially motivated attacks against Asians has been taking place across the country.

I just want t o punch this guy in the face and wipe that smirk off of him.
Civil suit against the arse wipes that let him and those that let him stay!
His new roomie, Bubba, will wipe that smirk off of his face....
Hang this disgusting, fat, POS illegal
I get paid over $190 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 15k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.➤➤