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Illegal Alien Charged With Kidnapping 13-Year-Old Girl In Utah

Name: Miguel Angel Vega Sedano Age: 21 Date of Arrest: 03/08/2024 Location: West Valley City

Charge(s): Child Kidnapping, Two Counts of Possession of Stolen Identification

The Granite School District released the following statement on the incident:

On Friday afternoon, the parents of a 13-year-old student notified school administrators and Granite Police just prior to the end of school, that an adult male had befriended their child online and made plans to meet in person.
Granite District Police detained the suspect as he entered the campus after school had been out for about 30 minutes. West Valley City Police responded and took the man into custody. WVCPD will be handling the investigation moving forward and we would refer all media inquiries to them for any additional questions regarding the case.

Under questioning, Sedano admitted that he had been communicating with the girl over Instagram and was planning on picking her up from school and taking her to his residence. As it turns out, he has also had contact with another 13-year-old girl in the area and may have more child victims, according to detectives.

Sedano, who is in the country illegally from Peru, was booked into the Salt Lake County Jail on an ICE detainer.

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