Name: Manuel Barnica-Reyes Age: 29 Date of Arrest: 04/06/2021 Location: Wake County Charge(s): First-Degree Statutory Sex Offense, First-Degree Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, Indecent Liberties with a Child
*Despite the fact that North Carolina has a law banning counties and cities from enacting so-called 'sanctuary' policies, which protect criminal aliens from deportation, current Gov. Roy Cooper has allowed localities to do just that. And, upon taking office, current Wake County Sheriff Gerald M. Baker ended his department’s participation in the 287(g) program which allowed deputies to investigate an inmate’s immigration status and report them to ICE.
Sheriff Baker has refused to honor ICE holds, even for those charged with crimes against children. Fortunately, in this case, Barnica-Reyes has a $1 million bond, so, it is unlikely that he will be able to come up with the 10 percent needed to pay a bail bondsman, but if he could, Sheriff Baker would simply release him back onto the streets of Raleigh, NC.

Fine and punish his Wake County employer.