On November 16, 2010, 25-year-old Drew Rosenberg, a second-year law student, was riding his motorcycle home from classes, when he was hit by unlicensed illegal alien Roberto Galo. In fact, the illegal alien not only hit the young man once, but actually backed up and ran over Rosenberg again, crushing the young man’s abdomen, in an attempt to flee the scene. The only reason Galo actually stopped and was taken into custody was due to the brave actions of another motorist.
Later that day, the Rosenbergs, who live in Los Angeles, were notified by staff at San Francisco General Hospital that Drew had been killed in a car accident.
Only six months earlier Galo had been charged with driving without a license, driving the wrong way on a one way street, and driving without insurance.
On July 27, 2010, Galo appeared in court to answer for the June violations. The DA’s office made a deal with the illegal alien from Honduras...in exchange for pleading guilty to driving the wrong way on a one-way street, the charges of driving without a license and driving without insurance would be dropped.
Despite the lack of a driver’s license, Galo continued to drive on San Francisco’s streets, which would eventually lead to the grisly death of Drew Rosenberg, along with the bright future the young man had ahead of him.
In response to their son’s death, the Rosenbergs started the website “Unlicensed to Kill,” and have become activists in the fight to end “sanctuary policies,” as well as demanding that the federal government actually enforce the nation’s immigration laws.
The website states:
Unlicensed to Kill was started to bring attention to the horrendous problem of unlicensed drivers who have no regard for the law and are responsible for death and destruction on our roads and highways every day. Last year 7,500 people were killed by unlicensed drivers.
After my son was killed by an unlicensed driver in November 2010 I started to research the issue. I was stunned at what I found. Not only were unlicensed drivers killing people in numbers only exceeded by drunk drivers, but many times they were barely being punished and many times faced no charges at all.
There are two different kinds of unlicensed drivers. There are those who have never been issued a license and those whose licensed has been suspended, revoked, or expired. Over 90 percent of those who have never been issued a license are in this country illegally....
Despite all of this death and destruction very little is being done nationally, and in California many cities and the state are actually reducing the penalties and making it easier for unlicensed drivers to drive. While Unlicensed to Kill’s main focus is on those who have never been issued a license, the two are inextricably linked (as are DUI’s) and hopefully our efforts will spur individuals, groups, and our governmental agencies to take this problem seriously and begin to get these people off the roads.
Over 20 people a day are killed by unlicensed drivers. It’s time to put a stop to this slaughter.
Six district attorneys later, and nearly two years after Drew was killed, on August 16, 2012, Galo was sentenced by the judge to six months in jail and three years’ probation for vehicular manslaughter.
The Rosenbergs were not allowed to make an impact statement.
On April 4, 2013, Roberto Galo was deported to Honduras. His girlfriend (also an illegal alien) and their two children left the country a few days earlier, on March 29.
As of today, it is anybody’s guess as to the whereabouts of Roberto Galo.
