The rarely seen Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), which, in the early Fall of 2014, sent thousands of children to emergency rooms across the country, was first identified in California in 1962. It can cause mild flu-like symptoms with a runny nose, fever, and body aches. However, it can also send its victims into severe respiratory distress, and in some cases, can result in paralysis and death.
Perhaps, because the presentation of this virus was so unusual in this country, there is no vaccination against it, and the only treatment is IV fluids, over-the-counter medications for fever, and oxygen therapy.
Nearly all of those infected were children under the age of 16. The rapidly expanding outbreak began in mid-August … the same time children were registering for school and actually starting classes in many states.
So, what was different about the 2014-15 school year?
The most glaring difference was the fact that tens of thousands of children (the so-called ‘unaccompanied minors’) who were allowed to enter this country illegally from Mexico and Central America during the spring and summer months, also entered this country’s public school system.
Consider the following facts:
Unlike most enteroviruses, EV-D68 can be spread like the common cold. One can become infected by coming into close proximity with someone coughing or sneezing, or by simply touching an infected surface (such as a desk or lunch table).
Between 2009 and 2013, there were only 79 reports of EV-D68, while there were 97 such confirmed cases between August 15 – September 12, 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
However, on September 6, Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, alone, reported seeing 450 children for the virus, since mid-August.
The hospital’s Director of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, told CNN:
It’s worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care. I would call it unprecedented. I’ve practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this. We’ve had to mobilize other providers, doctors, nurses. It’s big.
It would appear that the CDC was attempting to downplay the numbers. For example, as of November 15, 2014, the agency’s website stated: “CDC recommends that clinicians only consider EV-D68 testing for patients with severe respiratory illness and when the cause is unclear.”
Why would the CDC try to suppress the number of children being tested?
Perhaps, it is due to the fact that a clear link exists between the spread of EV-D68 during the 2014-15 school year, and the waves of children allowed to illegally enter this country during the spring and summer months.
Between October 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014 there were 66,127 so-called “unaccompanied minors” who entered this country along our southern border, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
The CBP listed the country of origin for most of those children…
El Salvador … 15,800
Guatemala … 16,528
Honduras … 17,975
Mexico … 14,702
While the evidence certainly seemed to point to the surge of ‘unaccompanied minors’ into this country as the cause of the EV-D68 outbreak, an Obama Administration report actually provided more proof to the theory.
A 2013 Defense Department study conducted in Central and South America on patients with flu-like illness, did identify EV-D68 in some of the test subjects. All 3,375 test subjects were age 25 or under.
What follows are but a few examples of the “human toll” exacted by Obama’s open border policy:
On November 20, 2014, the CDC confirmed that 11-year-old Bryan Sotelo tested positive for EV-D68, several months after the young boy was admitted to Children’s Medical Center of Dallas with a severe respiratory illness.
The middle school student underwent a tracheotomy and endured the rigors of physical therapy with the hopes of one day regaining the full use of his legs and one of his arms.
Unfortunately, Sotelo was merely one of dozens of children left paralyzed by EV-D68–many of those cases were seen at the same hospital.
Children’s Medical Center neurologist Dr. Benjamin Greenberg, told CBS DFW: “When we look back in history to the illness that has the closest connection to this, it was polio, which at its height paralyzed hundreds and thousands of children around the world.”
On October 10, 2014, 21-month-old Madeline Reid succumbed to the effects of EV-D68 while being treated at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. She was that state’s first recorded death from EV-D68, according to officials with the Michigan Department of Community Health.
The toddler had been on life support since September 14, as the virus caused organ failure, according to Madeline’s family.
In mid-October, 5-month-old Lancen Kendall died in Banner Thunderbird Medical Center in Phoenix, after arriving in an unresponsive state. Apparently, the child showed no signs of sickness, until he failed to wake up from a nap.
Lancen’s parents rushed him to the hospital, where he was placed on life support, and where he would eventually be declared “brain dead.” Testing confirmed that the cause of death was EV-D68.
By the end of the 2014-15 school year, the virus was identified in children in 49 states, according to the CDC.
So, why did this nation’s news media fail to hold President Barack Obama accountable for this horrific outbreak all thanks to his open border policy, while six years later, they blamed President Donald Trump for every case of COVID-19?
You already know the answer...
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