VIRGINIA BEACH, VA - On Monday, Roberto Rodriguez, 25, pleaded guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor and indecent liberties with a child under 15 years old.
In December 2022, while police were at a hotel searching for a missing girl, they encountered Rodriguez. He was naked from the waist down, according to court documents.
The missing 13-year-old girl was found inside his hotel room.
Upon questioning, the illegal alien admitted that he not only abducted the girl, but that he was also aware of her age.
In exchange for his guilty plea, the judge agreed to suspend three years of his five year sentence. Rodriguez is only set to spend two years in prison, which really means that he will likely only spend about a year behind bars.
Rodriguez is in the country illegally from Bolivia, according to the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office.
Though Virginia Beach city officials have always denied it, the city has a long reputation as a 'sanctuary city,' for criminal aliens.
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That poor child! She must have been scared to death. The nerve of this creep to touch and rape a young girl! And then the judge goes easy on him! 🤬. Why aren’t the residents outraged? Throw him in prison, cut that ugly mop off his head and let it be know he abused a child. They'll make him pay!