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Biden's DOJ Protects Arsonist From Deportation

PHILADELPHIA, PA - On July 20, U.S. District Judge Joel M. Slomsky sentenced Ayoub Tabri, 25, to 364 days in federal prison after the foriegn national was allowed to plead guilty to obstruction of law enforcement.

In 2020, Tabri was caught on video setting fire to a Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) vehicle during a George Floyd riot.

In a press release, the U.S. Attorney’s Office stated:

At approximately 3:40 p.m., a group of individuals began attacking the two PSP SUVs, which were designated as PSP Units K1-7 and K1-17. Both were locked and contained PSP-issued rifles and other police equipment. Eventually, individuals shattered the windows of both PSP SUVs and stole PSP equipment stored inside, including road flares.
PSP troopers assigned to the area reported that individuals then threw lit road flares into K1-17, igniting a fire which engulfed that SUV. As alleged in the Superseding Indictment, Tabri and Smith maliciously damaged and destroyed vehicle K1-17 by means of fire.
One PSP trooper, who was standing near K1-17, was hit by a lit road flare and part of his uniform caught fire. This trooper’s left hand also suffered burn injuries when he reached into K1-17 to retrieve a rifle in order to prevent individuals from stealing it. He was treated for his injuries on the scene by EMS. Due to the fire damage to K1-17 and the physical damage to K1-7, both vehicles were destroyed.

Tabri was originally charged with arson, but Biden appointee, U.S. Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams accepted a plea deal, to avoid the aggravated felony conviction, which would have likely led to his deportation.

Tabri is a Moroccan national who is in this country on a green card.

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