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Activists Decry Illegal Alien's Possible Deportation, Despite Riot Arrest, And Violent History

FORT WAYNE, IN – Last month, Jorge Luis Oliva, 26, was arrested during a Black Lives Matter protest that quickly got out of control and turned into a riot. He was charged with disorderly conduct, obstructing traffic, and resisting law enforcement.

Once bail was set for those charges, he bonded out. But, the Allen County Sheriff's Office released him into the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), after a detainer was filed against Oliva.

The open borders group known as “Faith in Allen County” took exception to this lawful action, claiming that Allen County Sheriff Gladieux was wrong for honoring the ICE hold.

The group's spokesperson, Cookye Rutledge, told WPTA:

“The person who's without sin should cast the first stone. And so I'd just remind us that we all make mistakes, and the important thing is to have people come alongside to help us do better the next time. What we want to say again to others is come on, let's help each other, let's forgive each other, and let's extend to everyone grace because we're all going to need it.”

Faith in Allen County's stated goals include “immigrant inclusion and treatment not incarceration.” One of the group's stated “accomplishments” is having persuaded lawmakers to lift “the lifetime ban on SNAP benefits for people convicted of a drug felony.”

While Faith in Allen County may be long on Bible verses, they are certainly short, or at least selective on facts...

In addition to his most recent charges, Oliva has a long criminal history, which includes “multiple convictions for battery and other misdemeanor convictions,” according to ICE.

In 2017, following several arrests, the Mexican national appeared before a federal judge who allowed him to stay in the country, while wearing an ankle monitor.

On Monday, another federal judge in Chicago released the criminal alien, and set another court date for his immigration hearing for late July.

Whether or not he will show is anybody's guess.

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