On October 5, 2011, Luis Alberto Rodriguez, 44, sped through a flashing red light at the inter-section of Colington Road and U.S. 158 in Kill Devil Hills, and crashed his Chevy Lumina into the pickup truck driven by Paul Davis. The truck was hit with such force that it flipped over, killing 51-year-old Joe Storie, a passenger in the vehicle, according to court documents.
Two other passengers, Joe’s wife, Alicia Storie, and his sister, Chris Storie, were both critically injured in the wreck and were taken to Norfolk General Hospital in Virginia by air ambulance.
Rodriguez was taken to the same hospital with serious injuries. Incredibly, days later, Rodriguez walked out of that same hospital, embarking on what would be, only his first flight from justice.
The Outer Banks Voice reported:
Police called Sentara Norfolk General every day while Rodriguez was a patient to check
on his recovery and were told, “he is in no condition to walk out of here” each time.
However, he was soon seen on surveillance footage leaving the hospital in his gown, and getting into a car driven by his girlfriend.
Kill Devils Hills police, along with other agencies, eventually the criminal alien to the state capital (and ‘sanctuary city’) of Raleigh, and brought him back to Dare County.
Rodriguez was charged with one count of felony death by vehicle, two counts of serious injury by vehicle, and one count of driving while impaired.
The illegal alien claimed poverty, was appointed a public defender, and a secured bond was set at $100,000. Despite the fact that he was in the country illegally and claimed to be “without assets,” on January 9, 2012, Rodriguez appeared before Dare County District Judge J.C. Cole, with his own, hired lawyer,for a second bond reduction hearing (after an initial hearing saw District Judge Edgar Barnes uphold the higher bail amount).
His defense attorney, Phillip Hayes, said of his client:
...his evidence of risk of flight. I submit is little or none, and the fact that he does have
connections to Dare County, a residence in Dare County, family in Dare County. For all intents and purposes he is a citizen of Dare County and he’s not going anywhere, Judge.
Apparently, Judge Cole was impressed by the illegal alien’s 'family values' and actually reduced the secured bail amount to $50,000. Rodriguez found a bondsman and was released with a pending court date of April 23, 2012.
Of course, Rodriguez failed to show for court and, to this day, remains a fugitive.
The Dare County Community Crime Line has offered a reward of $1,000 for information leading to the capture of Luis Alberto Rodriguez, and the Storie family has put up an additional $1,000. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this fugitive is asked to call the Crime Line at (252) 473-3111 or (800) 745-2746.
Investigators believe Rodriguez may be living in Tennessee, the Raleigh/Durham area, or in Honduras.
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Why wasn’t he handcuffed to the hospital bed? I wonder who else this illegal has murdered?