Last week, giant drug maker Pfizer announced a deal with Chinese-based Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co.that will have them producing their Covid-19 antiviral pill, Paxlovid for sale in China.
“In 2018, a likely carcinogen called NDMA was found in ingredients that the company manufactured and used in medicines to treat high blood pressure. This led to a global recall of some affected drugs -- including valsartan, irbesartan and losartan -- made by at least 10 companies,” Bloomberg reported.
Subsequently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) placed a ban on all drugs made at one of Huahai’s manufacturing plants.
Many of you have likely noticed the ever-growing list of ads on social media platforms from law firms in search of users of the heartburn medication known as Zantac. The ads identify several forms of cancer which those who have taken the drug are now experiencing.
In February 2020, the FDA updated their announcement on the recall of ranitidine, which is marketed under the brand name Zantac. The drug which was manufactured in China, was found to contain the same cancer-causing ingredient known as NDMA (which is used in rocket fuel and industrial softeners).
On August 6, 2020, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order, aimed at bringing at least some drug manufacturing back to this country. Under the order, the FDA was required to “create a list of medicines, medical countermeasures, and critical inputs that are essential for public health in America.”
However, under the Biden administration, that order was basically shelved and the FDA lifted their ban on drugs produced at Huahai’s manufacturing facilities.
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