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Convicted Child Rapist Caught Re-Entering After Being Deported

BOUSE, AZ - On September 13, La Paz County sheriff’s deputies made a traffic stop on Highway 72, and discovered nine illegal aliens being transported in the vehicle.

Their intended destination was Los Angeles.

The two smugglers were also determined to be in the country illegally.

It was discovered that one of them, Efrain Noe Velasco-Palacios, pleaded guilty in April 2015 to lewd or lascivious acts and unlawful sexual intercourse. The victim in that case was 13-years-old.

He spent three years in prison, and was deported in May 2018.

He was actually charged with sexually assaulting another young girl before being convicted in the aforementioned case.

BakersfieldNow reported:

He escaped prosecution in an earlier case involving a different alleged victim, because the prosecutor falsified a transcript.
In the earlier case, Velasco-Palacios was charged with five counts of lewd and lascivious acts against the 10-year-old daughter of his live-in girlfriend in 2013.

Velasco-Palacios has been charged with re-entry of a previously removed alien with an enhancement for being an aggravated felon, according to a U.S. Border Patrol news release.

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Suno Chanda

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